The End Of An Era

Hi everyone!

  For better or worse we have come to another end. This will be my final post for this term and I have mixed emotions regarding it; I feel sort of happy and proud that I have completed all these tasks accomplishedly. On the other hand I feel sad that this will be my last post of this course. I mean when I fırst heard about this blog thing I thought It was unnecessary and useless but then gradually I realized that I had begun to like and now I am used to it. It is like one of my routines. That's why I will keep posting useful posts in my blog whether it is a task or not. Because I really enjoy it now and I want other people to enjoy it as well. I remember at the beginning of this course I couldn't comprehend the concept of 21'st century learning but now after having done many activities on my blog  I can assure you that I sense and comprehend it much better and clearly and I would like to share it with the rest of the world and particularly with my future students. I am sure that what I have done and learned in this course will help me a lot through my classes.

The efforts of our teacher Dr. Gökçe Tiftik, the systematic approach of her to this course, to be able to learn a lot of things about using technology in the teaching process… These are the most I like about my course and these are not even all, just some of them.

I learned a lot of tools, apps and websites which can be used in teaching and I learned a lot about these tools, apps or websites. Before this course I had no even an idea how I can use the technology appropriately inthe future. Isn't it right that we are in the 21st century and technology changed the way of how people live their lives, the way of how they think ? The essential skills for education also changed. Computers are just everywhere and to learn how to integrate technology to education is the biggest contribute of this course on my development.

My favorite assignment was PSA because I had a lot of fun with my group mates during the process and I believe we did a good job.

Finally i would like to thank you all for sparing your precious time in this blog and I hope to see you again soon. 

Bye bye!


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